Artist Elizabeth Bello was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and currently lives in Miami, Florida. An innovative and charismatic artist, she has been involved with the arts since a very young age. 

This Latin artist has moved through different disciplines as a visual artist, including Byzantine iconography, sculpture, oil painting on canvas, and acrylic painting on wooden cubes. Part of her work related to Byzantine iconography was exhibited in Caracas and New York about 20 years ago. 

Art Gallery & Shop


The best pieces of Elizabeth Bello art are now available at your convenience online. Explore her gallery and discover the perfect artwork that suits your home, office, or local business style.

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Acrylic Painting Cubes

Original artworks with colors, lines, and perspectives that delight the eye. 

Using wooden cubes as her canvas, Elizabeth creates abstract, figurative, and optical artworks that marvel viewers. Simple shapes and vibrant colors are part of these eye-catching 3D pieces that you’ll love to exhibit in your home or office. 

Great Masters
A tribute to artists who inspired Elizabeth’s artist career

Optical Art
Movement throughout lines and colors

The Meninas

The Meninas

The beauty of feminine silhouettes inspired by the classic Meninas!

Only Elizabeth can create pieces that evoke memories from times gone by with subtle brush strokes and a modern color palette, and you can take home any of her original pieces.

El Avila

Paintings that capture the essence and colors of the mountains.

Every work reveals the artist’s style, as well as making you experience the mountain and all its green through kinetic elements.



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